VAYA joins California Coast Credit Union in Financial Literacy Education for Students!
VAYA is partnering up with our amazing Tet sponsor this year and we have more to offer for the students and the community. California Coast Credit Union is offering a FREE financial literacy informational workshop for students! Everyone is welcome to come. In this short 1 hour seminar this upcoming Saturday January 30th, at the Mira Mesa Recreation Center “Crafts Room” starting at 1:30 p.m. – students will learn:
How to establish and manage credit, and improve credit
· What is a credit report and why it’s important
· Who’s in control of your money ( you or your money)?
· Ways to build your cash flow
And Much More! – Everyone is welcome, and will also a chance to ask questions to the professionals.
This is a great opportunity for students to come by and learn to be smarter about your personal finance and investing strategies. We appreciate our sponsor for dedicating their time and providing absolutely free knowledge that can go a long way for the student’s future.
Free food (Pizza)/drinks will be provided for your attendance, so it will be very fun event and we do not want you to miss out! Please check out our official Facebook invite and confirm so that we know how much food and drinks to accommodate.